Unit Of Measure

We define Unit of Measure for tracking, moving, storing, and counting items. Oracle Inventory provides you with powerful methods for defining and manipulating units of measure. You can easily convert between the units of measure you define. This enables you to manufacture, order, or receive items in any unit of measure.
Primary Unit of Measure: When we define an item we establish a primary unit of measure. The system track On-Hand quantity and calculates transactions based on the primary unit of measure.
Secondary Unit of Measure: We can optionally establish a secondaty unit of measure (dual unit of measure control) for an item. The secondaty unit of measures can be used for cases  where we need to track in two units of measures and there is no constant convertion between the two units of measures. For example chickens can be tracked in pounds and eaches. If an item is under dual unit of measure control the  system track On-Hand quantity based on both primary and secondary units of measures. For example, we can track an item in both eaches and liters.
To delete a unit of measure: You can delete existing units of measure that are not base units of measure if no standard or item specific conversions are defined.
To make a unit of measure inactive: Enter the date on which the unit of measure becomes inactive. As of this date, you can no longer assign standard or item-specific conversions to the unit of measure.
To change Base UOM: Its not possible to change the base UOM from one UOM to another UOM. 
Unit of Measure Class:
Unit of Measure Classes represent groups of units of measure with similar charaterstics. A Unit of Measure Class contains a base unit of measure. We use the base unit of measure to perform convertions between unit of measure in the class. For this reason, the base unit of measure should be represent the unit of measure in the class, and be one of the smaller unit. For example, quantity is a unit of measure class and eanch, dozen and gross are the examples of unit of measure with in the class. The unit of measure each is the base unit of measure for this class. Similarly we could use CU (cubic feet) as the base unit of a class called Volume.
Note: Unit of measure classes are not organization-specific. Default unit of measure classes are not provided.
Unit of Measure Conversions:

Unit of measure conversions are numerical factors that enable you to perform transactions in units other than the primary unit of the item being transacted.
Unit of Measure convertions are three types:
Standard: A conversion common to any item.
Intra-class: A conversion for a specific item within a unit of measure class.
Inter-class: A conversion for a specific item between unit of measure classes.
Unit of measure conversions are not organization-specific.
You must define a conversion between a non-base unit of measure and the base unit of measure before you can assign the non-base unit of measure to an item 
UOM Conversion Methods: When you define an item you decide which type of unit of measure conversion to use:
1.Itemspecific: Only uses unit of measure conversions unique to this item. If none exist, you can only transact this item in its primary unit of measure.
2.Standard: Uses standard unit of measure conversions for this item if an item-specific conversion is not available.
3.Both: Uses both item-specific and standard unit of measure conversions. If both exist for the same unit of measure and item combination, the item-specific conversion is used.

With units of measure we can setup with below steps:
Define Unit Of Measure classes,
Define Units Of Measure,
Define Unit Of Measure conversions,
Define Lot-Specific Unit Of Measure Conversions
Define Unit of Measure Class: Navigation: Setup > Unit of Measure > Class

Examples of Unit of Measure Classes:
Base Unit Of Measure
Other Unit Measure
Dozen, Box
Pound, Kilogram
Minute, Hour
Cubic Inches
Cubic Feat, Cubic Centimeters
Click on Units of Measure button. Enter the values as per the screen save and close.
Click on Units of Conversion button and enter the values as per the below screen and save the changes. UOM Types Continue

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