
1.Standard Conversion:
Define Item in the item master: Enter the values as per the below screen shot. Navigation: MCR INV >Items > Master Items
Note: Once save the item, we can not change Primary Unit of Measure.
Create Miscellaneous Transaction Receipts for an item MI-STD.
Navigation: MCR INV >Transactions > Miscellaneous Transactions > Type as Miscellaneous receipt > Transaction Lines.
Enter the values as per the screen. Here we changed Primary UOM from MQT to MTN.
Here 1 Ton = 10 Quintals. We entered quantity as 10 so 10*10=100. Now the On-Hand quantity will be 100 in MIH-S1 for item MI-STD.
Now if we check the on-hand quantity for item MI-STD, we can see that quantity as 100.
2.Intra Conversion:
Define a conversion for a specific item within a unit of measure class (Intra-class): We have seen in standard conversion we can only do conversion from one UOM to primary UOM. Suppose we have defined a UOM conversion rule for a unit of measure UOM_XYZ as UOM_XYZ = 6 x Primary UOM but for a particular item the conversion rate is not 6, in that case we define a intra class conversion for a particular item and when ever that item is transacted system pick the conversion rate from either intra class or standard conversion depending upon ITEM master set up.
Note: We can do intra class conversion between two UOMs for a particular item only for a single class which is the UOM class of the primary UOM of the item. For example Suppose ITEM001 has a primary UOM as Ea and UOM Ea belongs to class Quantity then we can define intra class conversion for the item ITEM001 between two UOMs in the class Quantity. We can’t define intra class conversion between any other UOMs belonging to a different UOM class.
Define Item in the item master: Enter the values as per the below screen shot. Navigation: MCR INV > Items > Master Items
Navigation: MCR INV > Setup > Unit of Measure > Class and query for class name MI-Weight and click on Conversions button. Go to Intra-Class tab.
Here we made conversion like 1 KG = 1000 Grams+250 Grams Free, so 1/1250=0.0008.
Create Miscellaneous Transaction Receipts for an item MI-Intra01.
Navigation: MCR INV > Transactions > Miscellaneous Transactions > Type as Miscellaneous receipt > Transaction Lines.
Now if we check the on-hand quantity for item MI-Intra01, we can see that quantity as 8.
Because 1KG=1250 Grams here we have given 10000 grams that means 10000*0.0008=8
Navigation: MCR INV > On-Hand, Availability > On-Hand Quantity > Enter Item MI-Intra01 and FIND
3.Inter Conversion:Define a conversion for a specific item between units of measure classes (Inter-class): Inter class conversion is used to convert an item from one primary UOM in one class to another primary UOM in a different class for a particular item. We will use this conversion when we have exceptions for perticula item.For Example, When we want split 1Kg of tea powder into 10 small pouches.
Define Item in the item master: Enter the values as per the below screen shot. Navigation: MCR INV > Items > Master Items

Navigation: MCR INV > Setup > Unit of Measure > Class and query for class name MI-Weight and click on Conversions button. Go to Inter-Class tab.

Navigation: MCR INV > Setup > Unit of Measure > Class and query for class name MI-Weight and click on Conversions button. Go to Intra-Class tab. Enter the values as per the below screen.  Here we made conversion as 1GK = 10 Units.
Create Miscellaneous Transaction Receipts for an item MI-Inter01.
Navigation: MCR INV > Transactions > Miscellaneous Transactions > Type as Miscellaneous receipt > Transaction Lines. We changed UOM from Each to MQT (Quintals).
1 Quintal = 100 KGs, each KG as 10 Units, so 100*10=1000, now the on hand quantity for item MI-Inter01 will be 1000, that we can see in below screen.
4. Lot-Level Unit of Measure conversions:
Lot specific conversion enables us to perform a specific inter-class conversion for a given lot. This enables us establish more granular regular control over the transactional quantities of a lot. For example, the standard inter-class conversion for a lot controlled item is one gallon equals to 15 pounds; however, when we receive a particular lot of item one gallon equals to 16 pounds.
We can create lot specific unit of measure conversions for on-hand lots or lots with a zero balances. If we create lot specific unit of measure conversions for a lot with an on-hand quantities, we can automatically update the quantities in the system to more accurately reflect the on-hand quantity.
Define Unit of Measure Class for Quantity:
Navigation: MCR INV > Setup > Unit of Measure > Class
Click on Units of Measure button. Enter the values as per the screen save and close.
Click on Units of Conversion button and enter the values as per the below screen and save the changes.


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