Receipt Routing

Managing Receipt

You can receive both internally and externally sourced shipments and deliver material directly to inventory, the shop floor, and  You can deliver to inventory, shop floor, and expense destinations. You can also can satisfy the following receiving business needs:
·         Increased receiving process control
·         Streamlined receiving throughput
·         Increased transaction visibility and traceability
·         A common process for all receipt types
Receipt Routing
When receiving the delivery from supplier against PO, receiving of  the goods needs to be performed. This process is governed by the receiving/routing process in Oracle Inventory which is defined the different Routing Processes.
There are 3 types of Routing Mechanisms available in Oracle
·         Direct Delivery
·         Standard Routing
·         Inspected Routing
The receipt routing will be followed depends on the routing mechanism defined in Oracle. The receipt routing to be used when receiving the goods can be defined at item level, supplier level or at warehouse setup.
In case the routing mechanism is defined at all the levels, oracle follows the below precedence to determine which method to apply.
1.   Item
2.   Supplier
3.   Warehouse setup
If the routing rule is defined at item master level, it will pickup else check at supplier level and lastly warehouse setup.
Receipt Routing
Receiving with Check Up
Goods (Visual)
Goods (Physical)
Accepted >
Rejected >
Direct Receipts
It is a single step receiving process, the goods are directly delivered to the specified location in the warehouse. When the user creates a 'Receipt' in ERP, both the 'Receive' and 'Deliver' transactions are generated automatically in the system. Physically, organization may be doing 'Gate Entry', 'Inspection' and 'Deliver' but in the system, all of them are reduced into one transaction. This reduces transaction load on the system. Normally 'Direct Delivery' is associated with either 2-Way or 3-Way Matching. 
Standard Receipts
It is a 2 step receiving process. This is used when the user entering the Gate Entry is different from the user entering the Delivery into Inventory. When the physical delivery of goods are received at the warehouse then the user performs the actual receiving of the goods which causes the onhand to increase. This will create two separate transactions. 'Receive' (Gate Entry) and 'Deliver' (into Inventory). Normally this is associated with either 2-Way or 3-Way matching.
Inspection Receipt
It is 3 step receiving process. After creating the receipt in the system, when the physical delivery of goods are received at the warehouse then the user performs the task of Inspection. The user inspects the goods to check if it is as per the business requirements .If the inspection is successful the user will perform the Receiving of the goods in the system causing the onhand to increase. This willbe used when Inspection Certified is required while making payment to the Vendor. In this case, 'Accept' and 'Reject' decisions are taken based on Inspection Certificate. Also based on the quality of the material inspected, the payment will vary.

Do the miscellaneous Transactions Receipt for MIP Inv. Org.

Inter Organization Shipment with Direct Receipt Routing
Direct Inter Organization Transfers are used to move the inventory/material directly from a shipping inventory organization to destination inventory organization.
Direct Inter Organization Transfers are used only for adjusting the inter organization transfers.
Example for Inventory Organization Adjustment Transfers:

System Level
Physical Count

Inv. Org. Transfer
< (Just Adjustment)

Define Shipping Network between MIP and MIB:
Navigation: MCR INV > Setup > Organizations > Shipping Networks (MIP) > New.
Enter the values as per the below screen shot with Transfer Type as Direct and save the changes. Now the shipping network has been created from MIB to MIP.

Navigation: MCR INV > Transactions > Inter-Organization Transfers


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