Planned Purchase Agreement

When to Use a Planned Purchase Order

You create a planned purchase order when you want to establish a long term agreement with a single source supplier with a commitment to buy goods or services. Planned purchase orders include tentative delivery schedules and accounting distributions. You then create scheduled releases against the planned purchase order to actually order the goods or services.
·         A planned purchase order is a type of purchase order you issue before you order actual delivery of goods and services for specific dates and locations. You normally enter a planned purchase order to specify goods you want to order and tentatively schedule delivery of the goods. You later enter a shipment release against the planned purchase order when you actually want to order the goods.
·         A scheduled release is issued against a planned purchase order to place the actual order. You can also change the accounting distributions on each release and the system will reverse the encumbrance for the planned purchase order and create a new encumbrance for the release.
Planned and standard purchase orders are the same in overall document content with two exceptions.
·         You cannot associate a contract with a planned purchase order line.
·         You can specify agreement controls for planned purchase orders.
Creating PPA
MCR PO > Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders
Click on Shipments
Po Distributions: Destination
PO Terms
Sum total of all PO releases quantity should not exceeds the PPA quantity.
Sum total of all PO releases amount should not exceeds the PPA Amount Limit.
Each Release Amount should be greater than the minimum release amount at line level and also header level.
We should create PO release between PPA effective dates.
Click on Approve and PPA has been approved
PO Release against PPA i.e.3002
Navigation: MCR PO >Purchase Orders > Releases
PPA order quantity is 500, when we release PO more than the PPA quantity, system will raise an error.


Status – Tab
Receiving Control Button

Agreement Button

Planned Purchase Agreement Continuation

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