Overview of Suppliers Cont2

Supplier Profile-Receiving:
Navigation: MCR PO > Supply Base > Suppliers > Receiving
Use the Receiving page to specify the shipping and receiving defaults for the supplier.
Enforce Ship-To-Location: Values for the Enforce Ship-To-Location include None, Warning and Reject.
A value of Reject will prevent entry of the receipt in the system.
A value of Warning will provide a warning message of the discrepancy, but will allow the receipt entry to continue.
A value of the None will be simply allow the receipt to be entered and will not provide a warning message of the discrepancy.
Receipt Routing: Receipt routing will indicates which default location will be used at the point of initial receipt and generally the number of steps it takes for the item to reach its final destination. Below are the options available.
Direct Delivery: 1st step to the final destination.
Standard Receipt: 2 steps: 1st to receiving, then to the final destination.
Inspection Required: 3 steps: 1st to receiving, next to inspection, then to the final destination.
Match Approval Levels: The Match Approval Levels indicates what information will be compared to determine whether an invoice can be validated or not. Options are below
2-Way: Purchase Order and invoice quantities must be match within tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid. The receipt close tolerance should be set to 0% to allow the system automatically close fully received lines.
3-Way: Purchase Order, Receipt and invoice quantities must be match within tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
4-Way: Purchase Order, Receipt, accepted and invoice quantities must be match within tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
Quantity Received Tolerance: The maximum acceptable over-receipt tolerance percentage.
Quantity Received Exception: The action to be taken when the quantity received tolerance is exceeded.
Days Early/Late Receipt Allowed: The window within specified in days, which delivery will be allowed.
Receipt Date Exception: The action to be taken when the delivery occurs outside of this window.
Allow Substitute Receipts: If this check box enabled, receivers can receive previously defined substitute items in the place of ordered items.
Allow Unordered Receipts: Allow Unordered Receipts permits receivers to acknowledge receipt of unordered items. If enabled, you will need to later research and match the unordered receipts to the appropriate purchase order. If you allow unordered receipts, you will always be able to record the fact that physical receipt was processed giving full visibility to the transaction.
 Supplier Profile-Payment Details:
Navigation: MCR PO > Supply Base > Suppliers > Payment Details
Use the Payment Details page to define defaults to the supplier. We can also specify the same payment defaults at the supplier site level by clicking Update Payment Details for the site
Payment Methods: In Oracle Payables, a feature that allows you to make invoice payments using a variety of methods.  We can disburse funds using checks, electronic funds transfers, and wire transfers. Oracle payables updates your payment schedules the same way regardless of which payment method we use. We can assign a payment method to suppliers, supplier sites, invoice payment schedule lines, and Payment formats. We can assign then one or more payment formats to bank accounts and we can have multiple payment formats for each payment method.
Payment Attributes: In Oracle Payments, payment details such as the payment method, which are used by payments, payment systems, financial institutions, or central banks to process, categorize, or identify payments. These attribute may exist on documents payable, as well as on payments.
Payment Delivery Attributes:
We can select an EDI Payment Method and specify bank handling instructions.
Payment Specifications: We can include who pays for payment associated fees and the EDI Payment Format. This format indicates the type of information to be transmitted with the funds.
Payment Format: In Oracle Payments, a definition that determines your payment creation and remittance advice programs for a given payment document.
Separate Remittance Advice Delivery: Here we indicate the delivery method for a Remittance Advice. If we choose Email and Fax, we enter email address or fax number.
Remittance Advice: A document that lists the invoices being paid with a particular payment document. We can create define remittance advice which we can use any payment format or standard remittance advice that Oracle Payables provides.
Supplier Profile-Invoice Management:
Navigation: MCR PO > Supply Base > Suppliers > Invoice Management
This page will allows use to define invoice defaults for Oracle Payables. We can also define the invoicing defaults for individual supplier sites.

Terms: The system uses payment terms to automatically calculate due dates, discount dates, and discount amounts for each invoice in order to schedule payments. Additional terms can be added to the list of values through the Payment Terms Window.
Terms Date Basis: The Terms Date Basis is the date you select for Payables to use as the basis for calculating the scheduled payment. Below are the options available listed in order from the earliest date selection to the most recent date selection
Goods Received
Invoice (Date)
Invoice Received
System (Date)
Pay Date Basis: The Pay Date Basis determines if the system will create a payment at the end of document period or by the due date.
Always Take Discount: Enable the check box to have payables always pay the discounted amount regardless of whether payment is made within the discount period or not
Exclude Freight from Discount: If we enable the check box, the system will exclude freight prior to calculate discounts.

Merging Suppliers

We must decide whether the sites will be merged or copied to the new supplier. Sites that are copied will simply be added as a new site to the target supplier.Duplicate suppliers that are merged have their header and site information inactivated.Then the merge process updates any specified documents with the correct supplier’s header and site name.
Once the merge process is completed, the resulting site names for each supplier at the end of process must be unique with in the supplier
In addition, we need to decide the effect of the merge will have on existing purchase orders and invoices.

For Purchase Orders, we indicate whether we want all or none of the purchase orders to be updated with the new supplier/site name.
For Invoices, we indicate whether we want all, only unpaid or none of the invoices to be updated with the new supplier/site name.
Navigation: MCR PO > Supply Base > Supplier Merge
                    MCR AP > Suppliers > Supplier Merge
Enter the details and click on Merge button.
Here we are merging supplier site (MCR JHH has merged to MCR BJH) under same MCR Supp supplier. Once click on OK system internally run DQM Serial Sync Index Program and Supplier Merge Program. Here after supplier site MCR JHH become inactive.
Suplier Lists:
You can use a Supplier List to create lists of suppliers to aid you in your procurement activities.
Navigation: MCR PO > Supply Base > Supplier Lists 

Other Example:

Note: Here merged supplier site (MCR JHH) will come in the list, but while creating PO merged supplier site will not show in site list.

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