Subinventory and Inter-Org Transfers

Sub-Inventory Transfers
Sub-inventory adjustment Transfers are used to transfer the material within our inventory organization between sub-inventories or between two locators within the same sub-inventory. It is used only for adjustment, so no need to approve, allocate and transact and for this not required to run pick slip but transaction will be recorded in material transactions.
Normally we use Sub-Inventory Adjustment Transfers if we get any shortage for move order quantity from sub-inventory to another sub-inventory.
Some of uses of Sub-Inventory Transfers are
·         Transferring between asset and expense sub-inventories
·         Transferring between tracked and non- tracked sub-inventories
Navigation: MCR INV > Transactions > Sub-inventory Transfer
Below example for Sub-Inventory Adjustment Transfers

System Level
Physical Count

Sub-Inv Transfer
< (Just Adjustment)
Here Sub-Inventory transfer will adjust the 5 quantity from MIH-STG to MIH-S1.
For verify the transaction details Transactions > Transaction Summaries or Material Transaction and specifies the item or sub-inventory click on Summarize/Find button and click on Transaction Details. Based on Transaction Type we can identify whether Move Order or Sub-Inventory Transfer.

Backend Table for Sub-Inventory Transfers:
Inter Organization Transfer
Inter Organization transfers are used to transfer the material from one inventory organization to another inventory organization.
Before doing Inter Organization transfers both inventory organizations must have below points.
·         Both inventory organizations must have sub-inventories.
·         Both inventory organization periods must open.
·         Both inventory organizations must have the same item which we need to transfer.
·         Both inventory organizations must have shipping network.
Inter Organization transfers are two types
1.   Inter Organization Direct Shipment
2.   Inter Organization In-transit Shipment
Open the Accounting periods for MIP and MIB:
Navigation: MCR INV à Accounting Close Cycle à Inventory Accounting Periods.
Select May-13 record and click on Change status and click on OK. Similarly do the same for future months (Jun-13 to Sep-13).

Inter-Organization Shipping Network
Inter-Organization Shipping Network describes the relationship and accounting information between a shipping organization and a destination organization. We must define a Shipping Network between two organizations before we can transfer material between organizations.
When we setup Shipping Network we must select a transfer type as Direct/In-transit.
If we choose Direct Oracle Inventory moves the material directly to the destination organization. If we choose In-Transit Oracle Inventory moves the material to an intermediary state before it reaches the destination organization, and a receipt transaction is required in the destination organization once the material arrives in order to receive it.
If we choose In-Transit as the transfer type we can determine:
·         Shipping Methods
·         GL Account to use in Transit
·         Material ownership during transfers
·         Planning lead times
·         Transfer Charges

Define Shipping Network between MIP and MIB
Navigation: MCR INV à Setup à Organizations à Shipping Networks (MIP) à New.
Enter the values as per the below screen shot with Transfer Type In-Transit and save the changes. Now the shipping network has been created from MIP to MIB
FOB- Receipt: Sender will be responsible for goods up to receipt generating.
FOB-Shipment: Sender will be responsible for goods up to Shipment.

Back-end Table for Shipping Networks

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