Standard Purchase Order Cont1...

Standard Purchase Order Distribution - Destination Tabbed Region
Use the purchase order Distributions window to enter distribution information for purchase order shipments and to view distributions that Purchasing has automatically created for you.  You can enter multiple distributions per shipment line.  You can also view on-line requisitions included on the purchase order enter paper requisition information in this window.
Standard Purchase Order Distribution - Destination Tabbed Region

Num: The system will automatically generate a unique line number for each line you create.
Type: The destination type determines the final destination of the purchased items.  Choose one of the following options:
Expense - The goods are delivered to the requestor at an expense location. The destination subinventory is not applicable.
Inventory - The goods are received into inventory upon delivery.  You can choose this option only if the item is stock enabled in the ship-to organization.
Shop Floor - The goods are delivered to an outside processing operation defined by Work in Process.  You can choose this option only for outside processing items.
Requestor: Enter the name of the person requesting the goods or services.  If the purchase order was automatically created from approved requisition lines, this field would be populated with the name of the requestor on the requisition.
Deliver-To/Subinventory: Enter the Deliver To location for this distribution. If the destination type is Inventory, you can also enter the Subinventory.
Quantity: Enter the Quantity of the purchase order shipment that you want to charge to the Accounting Flexfield. The default value comes from the quantity you enter in the Shipments window. If you decrease the default quantity, Purchasing automatically defaults on the next distribution line the remaining quantity you have not yet assigned to a distribution line.
Charge, Accrual, and Variance Accounts: Enter the Charge Account. When you save your changes in this window, Purchasing uses the Account Generator to automatically create the following three accounts for each distribution:
Charge - The account to charge for the cost of this item
Accrual - The AP accrual account
Variance - The invoice price variance account
If the receiving destination operating unit is different from the purchasing operating unit, you also need to specify destination Charge and Variance accounts.
Recovery Rate (not shown above): The recovery rate is the percentage of tax that your business can reclaim for credit. The recovery rate defaults in based on the Tax Code in the purchase order Shipments window and the setup in the Financials Options window.Standard Purchase Order Distribution - More Tabbed Region

Num: The system will automatically generate a unique line number for each line you create.
Requisition Number/Line and Online: The Online check box indicates whether this distribution is part of an online requisition.  If so, Purchasing checks the box and displays the online requisition number and line number, you cannot update this field.  If this distribution does not come from an online requisition, enter the paper requisition number in this field.  The default is the paper requisition number from the Purchase Order Preferences window, if entered.
Standard Purchase Order Distribution - Project Tabbed Region
Num: The system will automatically generate a unique line number for each line you create.
Project/Task/Expenditure Type/Expenditure Org: If this purchase is being charged to a Project, enter the appropriate project, task, expenditure type, expenditure org and expenditure item date.

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